Pollard House
Pollard House sits atop the hill at 7th and Market in the Logan's Landing district of Logansport, Indiana. Watch the restoration progress, beginning in January 2023. (30 sec)

Wallpaper Down!
Nearly every inch of this historic home was covered by wallpaper, stained with water damage or torn during house shifting. Watch it come down in the west parlor. Celebrate with us as one more room is prepped for paint in a long journey of steaming and scraping. (2 min)
Fireplace Discovery
Some of the most exciting parts of the Pollard House restoration are the unexpected discoveries made as we start peeling back the layers. The home hosts six fireplaces, five of which are completely sealed. But a peek behind a sheet of plexiglass reveals an interesting find. (2 min)

Friend Crew
The work is so much faster and fun when friends show up to help! This crew gave up a Friday evening to lend several helping hands. Friends are definitely flowers in the garden of life! (2 min)
It's hard to be productive when locked out! (1.5 min)

Wainscot Repaired!
The center hall features a row of beautiful wainscot panels, but one had rotted from water exposure through the masonry wall. Watch how we capitalize on family resources to restore the wainscot to its former seamless state. (5.5 min)

While traveling through Italy, we saw the same mailbox over and over again. We noticed it because it is the same one we installed at Pollard House! (1 min)

Logansport Larry
Will Logansport Larry threaten Punxsatawney Phil's celebrity as the mascot of Groundhog Day? As spring is on the horizon, Logansport Larry's days as the boss of Pollard House may be numbered!
When do I get to paint?
I love painting, but these walls need a lot of work before I whip out my paintbrush! Wallpaper removal will be ongoing room by room for a while still, but in the dining room and great hall, the wallpaper is down and cleaning and repair work are setting the stage for paint. (2 min)

Spindles for Days
Angie's procrastination of refreshing the grand staircase comes to an end, and she tackles the banister spindles with fresh paint. See the beautiful finished result. (2 min)